In Autumn 2021, I joined the Department of English and Related Literature at the University of York as a Lecturer in Early Modern Literature. I completed my BA (2014), MSt (2015), and DPhil (2019) degrees at the University of Oxford. From 2019-21, I held a lectureship in English at Hertford College, Oxford, where I taught approaches to literature and literature from 1550-1700.
My research focuses on literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with particular interests in allegory, poetry and poetics, and theories and histories of embodiment, affect, medicine and science. My work has been supported by the Ertegun Fund and the Clarendon Trust, and I hold visiting fellowships at the Osler and Huntington Libraries in North America. At York, I teach modules on early modern literature and culture and premodern medical humanities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.