Knowledge, Belief, Evidence

The Knowledge, Belief, Evidence conference brought together leading researchers from around the world to share their work on these central epistemological notions.

Among other topics, this conference was about:
- the nature of knowledge, belief, evidence and related epistemological notions
- new frameworks for understanding them
- how they relate to one another
- the epistemic norms concerned with them
- methodological questions about epistemology more generally

The list of speakers included Rachel Fraser (Cambridge), Daniel Greco (Yale), Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (Michigan), Hannes Leitgeb (LMU Munich), Anna Mahtani (LSE), Sherrilyn Roush (King's/UCLA), Miriam Schoenfield (MIT), Scott Sturgeon (Birmingham), Roger White (MIT) and Tim Williamson (Oxford).

Supported by The Analysis Trust and the Mind Association.